"We are all one decision away from a new beginning.

Living Life Forward

Welcome to a transformative Men's group coaching program of six one-hour sessions where we will navigate grief to a fulfilling next chapter. I know it seems improbable, but I can assure you it is possible! My personal journey through loss and reimagining life in Italy has shaped my approach to guiding others through their own transformative paths. When I say men – I am talking about ALL MEN – I celebrate diversity.

There will be no bullsh*t. I'll challenge, empower, and hold you accountable. I can’t motivate you – that’s your job. Don’t sign up if you want your hand held. 


Look, grief sucks! It smells and tastes like shit. It’s what we do with the shit that makes all the difference. If you are sick of the shit taste in your mouth and ready to reimagine life – keep reading.

Through embracing impermanence, cultivating resilience, and actively shaping my future, I discovered the transformative power of living life forward with courage and intention. 

See, shit is great fertilizer when used properly. Yeah, I know, unwanted - no one wants shit in their life. I get it. But, if you are looking to plan seeds in the shit of loss for a new, bountiful harvest - this is your gig. SIGN UP FOR THE WAITING LIST HERE

Mixed Messages

You're told to be vulnerable, then slammed with "man up” by societal expectations of manliness in the face of grief.

I’ve been there – needing support and looking around and hearing f*cking crickets. Or worse, the whole “woe is you” head nod. Well, this group creates a safe space to be real, a place where vulnerability is your strength, not a weakness.

But here's the deal: This isn't a pity party. This is all about action.

What to Expect

This Program Is For You If (Shit List)


Ready to stop surviving and start thriving? 

Sign up today. (priority given to people on the waiting list)

Space will be limited to 10 participants for impact and intimacy.
